"Where better than at the beginning to enter the field?
So, we opened the first article on science by the principle of principles, the Big Bang or Big Bang. Another day talk about the origin of the term "Big Bang "
all began about 14 billion years, there is nothing. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. At that time all matter and energy in the universe were concentrated at a single point, smaller than imaginable and a higher density of embracing (it was what is called a singularity ). That tiny dot that exploded and created particular time is both time and space, therefore the question of what had before the Big Bang? meaningless, because the concept is linked before the time, did not exist. From that time began to appear all particles and the long and tortuous process of expansion.

But how do we know that This is just a nice fairy tale?
sure all of you have ever thrown a firecracker. Kindle the wick and you turn away from a safe distance. When the firecracker explodes, the chemical energy contained the powder is converted into other types of energy: the kinetic energy of cardboard flying out, the sound energy that makes the neighbor's fourth place to scream, the flash light energy, etc.
The farther you are, you will notice the effects weaker as the energy is dissipated. But the stronger the explosion later we receive. Then consider a
huge explosion, huge, like the one that caused the Big Bang. So it seems logical to assume that the energy of the explosion would take much, but that long to dissipate.
And here begins the story:
Back in 1964, in New Jersey, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, two young physicists working for Bell Labs, were studying a new type of antenna that had been built. When connected the antenna began receiving a very weak signal that curiously seemed to come from all directions. No matter that point to any side or it was day or night, the sign was still there.
was more logical to think that was wrong something to the antenna for the sky was emitting signals in all directions, so I climbed onto the roof to check the antenna. There they found what they defined as "white dielectric substance" (a dielectric material is one that leads electricity poorly.) This language did not mean as far-fetched one thing: a dove had screwed in the antenna (with apologies).
So when they thought they had found the problem and fixed it, were so happy to turn your antenna, but again the mysterious noise was still there.
Reviewing some old theories, they saw that the characteristics of the radio signal they were receiving, coincided exactly the signal should have dissipated from the Big Bang.
The two young physicists received the Nobel, yes, 14 years later.
Anecdotally, we have that when astrophysicists were to examine the sign said they had found something like
"We're seeing the birth of the universe, or a pile of pigeon shit"
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