live in a world riddled with pseudoscience. Almost all newspapers have a horoscope section, while very few people have about science, and those who have it do not stop kicking the battered science, eventually publishing real atrocities ...
So let's give in to pressure from the media and talk a bit about astrology:

Astrology is the science that studies how the stars influence our lives. Bullshit! I'm tired of hearing similar definitions. NO astrology is not science. A science is one who studies nature using the scientific method, and is more than obvious that astrology does not. No two astrologers
you say the same, or rather, no two astrologers to tell you something different from what they think you want to hear.
We all like to know you're going to succeed in love, that our economy will flourish and that the stars dictate that we are tough and honest.
Fortunately or unfortunately, we humans are prone to believe that things are as we would like. It really is a very attractive and reassuring to know your future: to me at least like to know how it will be my life in a few years to know if I'll be fine at work, if you will know the love of my life or my Gloves cat will live many years, but the critical sense tells me that there is no evidence to prove the veracity of their predictions, but on the contrary, seems to suggest that nothing more than nonsense, for the following reasons:
1. The predictions are vague : The blind do not get wet. Using such vague predictions ensure a higher rate of correct answers. If I tell someone "Next Saturday you'll find an old sweetheart, you are going to love and I will go travel to Fiji," I have much less chance of succeeding than if you say "Someone your past to make you happy again. "
2. They use big words and jargon 'gravitational influence', 'ESP' and 'energy', especially 'energy'. It is the buzzword. Apparently it can be positive (this is good) or negative (it must be terrible, I'm not sure why). It can be used in any context and situation. Well, sorry to disappoint many but I have to say: there is no energy! Nothing material is called energy. Energy is not just a mathematical concept. This has its nuances, but either way astrologers use the word without knowing what it means. That, plus professional intrusion, shows a complete lack of knowledge about what they say.
3. No criteria: If you go to ten different astrologers and ask them why have you thrown out of work, each will tell you something different. This point seems too obvious to comment on it.
4. Lottery : The million dollar question, literally. If anyone can see the future at will ... "Why not throw a pool and retire?
5. The rationale is factually incorrect: Even assuming that the gravitational forces at the time of birth is influenced in our lives, studying the position of the stars at the time borders on the ridiculous. We will check with some basic physics:
Two bodies, having mass, suffer a gravitational attraction, ie a force that tends to unite them. This force depends only on the mass of the two bodies and the distance that separates them.
More specifically, the basic equation is: Where

Well, we suppose that at birth weighed 3 kg. Let the force that brought us Mars at that time.
The distance between Mars and Earth varies between 56 and 100 million kilometers. Let's say that at that time the two planets are quite close: 60,000,000 km.
The mass of Mars is 6.4191 × 10 23 kg, about a 6 followed by 23 zeros.
Vale, putting the data into the equation we need at the moment we are born, Mars brought us (and we we attracted to Mars) with a force of 3.57 × 10 -8 newtons.
That tells us nothing, but compare it with the strength with which we are attracted Mr. doctor who is two feet away from us and thus eye weighs about 75 kg.
The force between him and us is 6 × 10 -8 newtons, almost double !
And that we've taken a planet very close to us and almost minimum. Also we have not considered our mother and the nurses who swarm there. Even tilting the balance to one side, clearly think that the position of a planet we can influence is ridiculous if we think the position of the midwife is much more important.
Conclusion: a hoax.
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