Thursday, June 7, 2007

Sample Opening Prayer For Programs

Physical Chemistry



Introduction to Windows

1. Management of windows and icons.
2. Management menus and dialog boxes.
3. Application execution.
4. Difference between closing an application and minimize it.
5. Using multiple applications at once.

word processor (Microsoft Word for Windows)

1. Spelling of a text while respecting the punctuation and spaces.
2. Different ways to select text.
3. Using Open and Save commands (in different drives).
4. Bar Management tools.
5. Application processor functions for the proper presentation of text:

Format menu: Font

ü ü ü
Paragraph Borders and Shading Columns

ü ü Bullets and Numbering. §

Insert menu: Picture

ü ü ü File Object

Table menu

§ § §

Edit Page Setup Printing

§ Design Tool Graphic (Corel Draw)

1. Using guide lines
2. Using the basic tools:

ü pointer selection. Ü
Ellipse. Ü
Rectangle. Ü
Text. Ü
fillet. Ü

3. Using blinds:

ü Symbols. Ü
Transform. Ü
Text. Ü
Fit Text to Curve.

Graphic Design Tool (PageMaker)

1. Creating a document with its leaves arranged in several columns.
2. Using master pages for the organization of a magazine in several sections.
3. Using commands: Setting

ü ü ü
Surround text Insert Object Acquire

ü ü Columns

Web Design Tool (FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver)

1. Creating a web page.
2. Using tables to organize the location of the various components on the page.
3. Using: Marcos

ü ü

Hyperlinks Forms Templates
ü ü ü
Insert Objects (text, images, components, etc.).

Web Design Tool (Macromedia Flash)

1. Creating an animation.
2. Creating Buttons.
3. Using motion tweens and shape.
4. Using:

ü Basic tools. Ü
Color Mixer. Ü
Frames. Ü
Shares. Ü
Insert Objects (text, images, components, etc.).


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