Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What To Write To Someone That Just Had A Baby



physical quantities. Dimensional Analysis.
Units and Measurements.
P rocess Measurement. Error
and causes of error.
Direct and inverse proportionality.

The Cell and its parts.
Cell Division.

chemical elements.
Chemical Classification of elements.

Project: Treatment of municipal waste in the city of Cojutepeque.
The project aims to involve students of postgraduate level of Anita Alvarado Centro Escolar , in gathering information on the production of solid waste from the city and the treatment they receive. so the group of students must perform a task of searching for information and interviews with local authorities involved with this issue in order to form a theoretical background on the problem. Furthermore, it aims young people involved in the project to disseminate other findings, but also to develop concrete actions in the school with respect to the reuse and recycling of some wastes. Links

ministry of environment and natural resources.
proper disposal of garbage. (Landfill)
domestic solid waste.
household solid waste. (Video)
non-hazardous waste. (Video)
Solid Waste (The 3R)
basics of recycling. Notebook
solid waste.

Left Arm Pain Numbness In Thumb

Eighth Grade Mathematics.
Unit 1: Working with real numbers.
Irrational Numbers.
Real Numbers.
Operations with real numbers.
Square Root.

Unit 2: operations with polynomials.
Polynomials: definition and operations. Products
Polynomials Division.
Synthetic Division. Ratios

Unit 3: Let's measure and build with triangles.
Triangles: classification.
Elements of a triangle. Summary
Equal Triangles.
similar triangles.

Unit 4: Learning to Factor.
factorization. Rules
remarkable and factoring products.
Factoring trinomials.
Factoring polynomials using synthetic division.

Ninth Grade Mathematics.
Unit 1: Use equations with radicals. Operations
Equations with Radicals. Exercises
equations with radicals.

Unit 2: Solve systems of two linear equations.
straight line.
Gràfica equations of a line.
method for solving systems of equations of 2x2.
Using Determinants.
implementation problems (systems equations)

Unit 3: Let us solve quadratic equations.
quadratic equation. Methods
solution quadratic equations. Property
square root and quadratic formula.
application problems.

Amolasmates (an ideal place to learn mathematics)

High School Mathematics.

Unit 1: Use the trigonometric ratios.
trigonometric ratios.
angle of elevation and depression. Solution
The triangle: classes, elements, metric relations. Review

Unit 2: Collect, organize and present information.
descriptive statistics.
Population and sample.
Types of statistical variables.
basics Summary Statistics.
statistical graphics.
Links to support the project "Statistics for citizens"
Information the project.
support material 1.
support material 2.
support material 3. Curiosities

unit 3. We use measures of central tendency.
Introduction to measures of central tendency.
Measures of central tendency.
Basic Course Measures of Central Tendency.

Unit 1: Let us study arithmetic sequence and Geometric .
Sequences and Series.
arithmetic sequence.
geometric sequence.
Applications of arithmetic and geometric sequences.

Unit 2: Understanding the exponential and logarithmic function.
Properties of exponents.
exponential function.
logarithmic function.
Properties of logarithms.
logarithmic equation.
Compound Interest.
More about compound interest.
Applications of exponential and logarithmic function.

A bit of fun.

or community 3: Let's use count. Top
fundamental counting.
Permutations: concept and exercises.
Permutations and Combinations.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stretch Frieze Carpet

Performance Task-Algebra first quarter. Wmv

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Numbing Pain From Pinky To Shoulder

Math joy. Learning through play

The game is a universal activity that has been present in all cultures and has been very important development of mathematics. It is necessary to recognize its value as a means to learn and develop skills. Here's why. Alan Bishop

identifies the game as one of the six activities of the cultural environment that drive the development of mathematical ideas. The other five are counting, measuring, locating, designing and explain. According to him, the game promotes communication skills, poses challenges, creates uncertainty and develops mathematical reasoning. At the same time, involves defining rules, rhythms and harmonies, and lets you create an order.

Research on some games has led to the creation of important mathematical theories. Recall that after solving a riddle, Leonhard Euler sat the foundations of modern and useful graph theory, that gambling began the study of probability, and that the famous mathematician John Nash (whose life was recreated in the movie A beautifull mind ) received Nobel prize for achievements in the study of noncooperative games. Therefore not surprising popularity mathematical interest showed by the study of puzzles, paradoxes, strategy games and other recreational events.

class Playing

In the classroom, the duly elected and dosed games are a new learning opportunity, and create an emotional and affective context for the development of mathematical ideas. With them is promoted mathematical reasoning in a natural and motivating, subtly takes students to investigate new techniques to solve problems, and developing these specific skills in strategic thinking, planning, decision making, estimation and demonstration. Also, when students play, low anxiety level, communication flows, the interest grows and the concentration remains. Besides all this, the teacher facilitates playful interaction the task of measuring the degree of understanding of concepts, the ability to implement certain knowledge, the ability to communicate ideas and arguments put forward.

As we see, at every educational level games can advantageously replace some routine work for more active learning processes. Hence the value of including them in a consistent math program.

What games use? When and how?

an appropriate choice of games is a resource that every teacher must handle. Some countries have built playgrounds in schools or clubs of Mathematics, where students play and researcher from carefully selected materials. Periodically you can incorporate some game related to the topic you are trying to strengthen the capabilities and the concepts, and to assess student learning. The proposed classification can help make a proper selection of games for teaching:





preinstruccionales Games

Activate prior knowledge, paving the way to the concept that will work.

instructional Games

Present concepts from different perspectives and help the transition from concrete to abstract. Generally these games use a combination of representations (pictorial, concrete, symbolic).

postinstruccionales Games

Raised to acquire skills or enhancing a concept, often largely symbolic, and take advantage of everything the student learned to put it into practice creative and integrated way.


pure strategy games

not have elements of chance. The game is set in a finite number of moves. At all times the players have complete information about the state of the game. Games such as chess, mancala and neem are examples of them.

Mixed Game

strategies combine elements of chance. For example, backgammon, ludo arithmetic, among others.


Mathematical Puzzles

situations which promotes interest in presenting set aside mysterious or enigmatic. Can be arithmetic, logical, geometric, or graph.

mechanical puzzle

math-based challenges to a concrete support. Examples are the tangram, the Tower of Hanoi, the cube soma.

lateral thinking problems

Stories that have an apparently absurd, but from novel viewpoints have logical sense.


games math-based magic.


false propositions down after a deductive chain of steps apparently justified.

The strength in

currently is very hard work and research alone. Just look at the research journals to prove that, unlike what happened in the past, most major works are carried out by a multidisciplinary group of scholars who share their knowledge.

few years ago, the math classes were far from this kind of work. Were conducted in absolute silence, with each student perfectly located in the folder and without opportunity to discuss their ideas and exchange experiences. Today, however, most experts recommend and promote the use of cooperative learning, since this is more efficient and productive than individual work. Here are some of the reasons:

1. Group work decreases the size of the class. If this were thirty students, and these are organized into groups of five, the class is reduced to six groups: when one hand is lifted interested know that there are five waiting for guidance.

2. Through verbalization, students learn not only how to probing questions, but also to explain their own reasoning processes. Many students who could never raise a question in front of forty people are motivated, and decided to ask within their group.

3. Group work promotes creative thinking, and makes each student feel safe to use trial and error methods.

4. The open and supportive environment greatly reduces anxiety.

5. students and the teacher quickly enter a feedback process. Thus, the teacher also becomes an apprentice of his own pedagogy.

For more information

  • Dialnet . Website within the University of La Rioja which houses articles, research and information about Professor Alan Bishop.

How To Trade Pokemon On Emulator With Mac

If three cats catch three rats in three minutes how many cats will catch 100 rats in 100 minutes? SOLUTION
The usual answer to this old conundrum is as follows: If three cats catch three minutes it takes three rats, should take a minute to catch, each rat. And if it takes one minute to catch a rat, then the same three cats hunt 100 rats in 100 minutes.
Unfortunately, it is so simple that answer certainly implies something that is not expressed in the problem. Assumes that three cats have focused their attention on the same rat to hunt in a minute, then set to devote another rat. But suppose that instead of doing that every cat hunts a rat different and will take three minutes to catch it. In that case, three cats, three rats continue hunting in three minutes. It would take six minutes to hunt six rats, nine minutes nine hunt rats, 99 and 99 minutes to hunt rats.
Now we face a peculiar difficulty. How long did it take those three cats hunt rats number 100? If they are still hunting three minutes boll weevil, so the three cats to hunt 102 minutes will delay the 100 rats. To catch one hundred rats in one hundred minutes - if that be the way that cats hunt their rat-certainly need more than three cats and less than four.
Of course, it is possible that when the three cats are concentrated on the same rat, may be cornered in less than three minutes, but nothing in the problem statement tells us how we can measure exactly the time that demand that operation. The only correct answer to the problem, then, is this: the question is ambiguous and can not be answered if there is no more information about how these cats hunt rats.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Freerussian Bare Life Style


The art of raising equations.

The language of algebra is the equation. "To solve a problem concerning numbers or abstract relationships of quantities, the problem simply translate from English or another language to algebraic language," wrote the great Newton in his manual titled Arithmetic Universal algebra. Isaac Newton showed by example how the translation was made. Here's one:

In the vernacular In the language of algebra

A trader had a certain amount of money

The first year was spent 100 pounds X - 100

increased the rest with a third of it (X - 100) +1 / 3 (X-100) = 1 / 3 (4x-400)

The following year he returned to spend 100 pounds 1 / 3 (4x-400) -100 = 1 / 3 (4x-700)

and increased the amount remaining in a third of it 1 / 3 (4x - 700) +1 / 9 (4X-700) = 1 / 9 (16X-2800)

The third year it spent 100 pounds again 1 / 9 (16X-2800) -100 = 1 / 9 (16X-3700)

After he had added his third 1 / 9 (16X-3700) +1 / 27 (16X-3700) = 1 / 27 (64X-14800)

the capital was twice the initial 1 / 27 (64X-14800) = 2X

To determine the initial capital of the trader is not only solve the latter equation.
The solution of an equation is often easy task, however, raise the equation based on data from a problem is often more difficult. We have seen that raising the art of equations is indeed translating "the vernacular language of algebra." But the language of algebra is laconic in the extreme, so not all the turns of language are easily translated. The translations can be very different by the level of difficulty, as can convince the reader to view examples of first-degree equation set.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Removing Smells From Ski Gloves


The Number Pi

(Poem by Wislawa Szymborska )

The number Pi is impressive
three point one four one
all following figures are also starting
five nine two it never ends.

can not cover his eyes six five three five
with estimates
with eight nine seven nine
imagination joke or three two three, that is, by comparison four six
anything else
two six four three in the world.

The longest snake after several meters

also interrupted, but a little later,
make fabulous snakes.

The procession of figures that make up the number Pi
does not stop at the margin of a page,
is able to continue for the table, through the air,
through the wall, a sheet, the nest of a bird
the clouds, straight to heaven
through the total swelling and vastness of the sky.

Oh how short is the comet's tail, like a mouse! How fragile

star Ray
that bends in any space!

But here two three fifteen three hundred and ninety
my phone number your shirt size
years 1973
sixth floor number of inhabitants sixty-five tenths
the hip measurement two fingers the charade and
code where my
nightingale flies and sings and calls for calm behavior
also pass the earth and sky
but not the number Pi, it does not,
he is still a good five
not any
eight or the last seven
getting haste oh, getting quickly to the sluggish eternity
for permanence. _________

Source: Metro mathematician.

How To Masterburate With An Egg


To find the power of a number used, usually, almost always, the definition of empowerment . That is: Given

a,c\in\mathbb{R} and b\in\mathbb{Z}^+

a^b=c\Longleftrightarrow\begin{matrix}\underbrace{a.a.\cdots.a}\b\text{ veces }\end{matrix}=c

however, sometimes do not realize that there is another way unusual to find the quadratic power a number without using explicitly the definition. For example:


One more:


What strange, no? Well, what happens is that these examples we used a very interesting discovery, we have left a legacy through the great Pythagoras.

Pythagoras discovered that there was another way to find the quadratic power of a number. This process consists of adding odd numbers starting from the unit to cover the amount of numbers that equal the given base. Symbolically:

n^2 is equivalent to the sum of the first n odd natural numbers.

seems that everything is going well, but the method fails when trying to calculate the following, for example


The answer is obvious. We can not use the Pythagorean method because the base is not a number natural. Another

use. The Pythagorean method is generally used to calculate the sum of the first n natural numbers. So we have:


whose proof is done using the method of proof by induction .

Source: Só mathematics.