This year I enrolled in Quantum Physics. I did it because it is core and some years I had to. I've always found that subjects had much more beautiful and interesting and I thought this would be a coming and going of differential equations without meaning ... I was wrong (it is a sea of \u200b\u200bequations, but not only).
is one of the most beautiful courses I've had so far and every school day leaves you stunned. I always leave class thinking about how people are being esoteric and pseudo-issues to fill a void that it fills more than science.
But let parts, such as grains. What is Quantum Physics? Let's tell a little story:
Traditionally scientists have observed nature closely and then developed their theories. So Newton laid the foundation for what we now call "Classical Mechanics." Physicists using classical mechanics were able to predict, for example, how fast an object would fall before the fall.
the mid-nineteenth century began to suggest that the role of physics in this world was over, reached the maximum possible knowledge, and that all that remained was to get physicists to more decimals in the results. Do not know to what extent were goofing ...
One day, early twentieth century, two physicists called Rayleigh and Jeans qusieron obtain the expression of the power spectral density of a black body. To us it is worth knowing that a black body is like a hollow body that absorbs all radiation that you take, we are not reflected or scattered at all. Every body, having a temperature, it emits energy in the form of radiation. Thus, although the box does not return anything to us, within it is no radiation. This radiation can be of many types, depending on their frequency (can be microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, visible light ...). These two physical wanted to know "how" of each type of radiation would be in the black body. Deduced some equations that predicted. Everyone agreed with that theory and then someone had to do an experiment and find out.
For low-frequency radiation prediction worked pretty well, but then, from the frequency of UV, the reality began to move away from the increasingly prediction until the theory did not serve anything at all. Nobody knew what happened. The physical, they always dramatic, called it "the ultraviolet catastrophe."
equations were revised again and again and nobody saw the slightest fault. But there was a young German physicist who was unwilling to surrender. One such person will not leave until you reach the goal: the Planck era. Planck
spent much time trying to understand what did not work, giving a thousand rounds, checking each of the assumptions of the theory.
The theory of Rayleigh and Jeans meant something anyone would have meant: you can have any amount of energy, ie energy is continuous, not discrete. That is, turn on a light bulb out of it continuously, not little by little.
Planck was set as a desperate, in this scenario and made the question of the child in him: Why?
In a last attempt, really desperate, Planck redid the theory assuming that light, instead of coming continuously, it was in small packets of light from a very small, but fixed. Each of these packages that he imagined he called "quanta" of light. What then was only a very questionable idea of \u200b\u200ba desperate man, would become one of the greatest discoveries in the history of science.
Planck's friend redid the theory y. .. Voila!, Suddenly his equations fit the reality.
Well, no big deal, or so it seems. Who cares about the power spectral density of the black body?
is not that, but many other theories had made the same assumption that Rayleigh and Jeans. We had to redo them all and see what happened ...
These quanta of energy are so small that in the macroscopic world (which see) can practically assume that the energy is continuous, but when we talk about very small things (like electrons) things change.
And then came a new world: the world of quantum mechanics ...
I hope to write a series of articles on some really incredible results of quantum mechanics.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Big Big Women Cartoons
Quantum Physics I: The culprit was
Monday, November 6, 2006
Phrases About The Devil
Planck Astrology Between the Sheets
often said that the University:
lacks neither said ...
often said that the University:
Biology is really chemistry.
chemistry is really physics.
Physics is really Math. Math is actually
Philosophy. Reason
lacks neither said ...
Thursday, November 2, 2006
Isabella Soprano, Cathouse
live in a world riddled with pseudoscience. Almost all newspapers have a horoscope section, while very few people have about science, and those who have it do not stop kicking the battered science, eventually publishing real atrocities ...
So let's give in to pressure from the media and talk a bit about astrology:

Astrology is the science that studies how the stars influence our lives. Bullshit! I'm tired of hearing similar definitions. NO astrology is not science. A science is one who studies nature using the scientific method, and is more than obvious that astrology does not. No two astrologers
you say the same, or rather, no two astrologers to tell you something different from what they think you want to hear.
We all like to know you're going to succeed in love, that our economy will flourish and that the stars dictate that we are tough and honest.
Fortunately or unfortunately, we humans are prone to believe that things are as we would like. It really is a very attractive and reassuring to know your future: to me at least like to know how it will be my life in a few years to know if I'll be fine at work, if you will know the love of my life or my Gloves cat will live many years, but the critical sense tells me that there is no evidence to prove the veracity of their predictions, but on the contrary, seems to suggest that nothing more than nonsense, for the following reasons:
1. The predictions are vague : The blind do not get wet. Using such vague predictions ensure a higher rate of correct answers. If I tell someone "Next Saturday you'll find an old sweetheart, you are going to love and I will go travel to Fiji," I have much less chance of succeeding than if you say "Someone your past to make you happy again. "
2. They use big words and jargon 'gravitational influence', 'ESP' and 'energy', especially 'energy'. It is the buzzword. Apparently it can be positive (this is good) or negative (it must be terrible, I'm not sure why). It can be used in any context and situation. Well, sorry to disappoint many but I have to say: there is no energy! Nothing material is called energy. Energy is not just a mathematical concept. This has its nuances, but either way astrologers use the word without knowing what it means. That, plus professional intrusion, shows a complete lack of knowledge about what they say.
3. No criteria: If you go to ten different astrologers and ask them why have you thrown out of work, each will tell you something different. This point seems too obvious to comment on it.
4. Lottery : The million dollar question, literally. If anyone can see the future at will ... "Why not throw a pool and retire?
5. The rationale is factually incorrect: Even assuming that the gravitational forces at the time of birth is influenced in our lives, studying the position of the stars at the time borders on the ridiculous. We will check with some basic physics:
Two bodies, having mass, suffer a gravitational attraction, ie a force that tends to unite them. This force depends only on the mass of the two bodies and the distance that separates them.
More specifically, the basic equation is: Where

Well, we suppose that at birth weighed 3 kg. Let the force that brought us Mars at that time.
The distance between Mars and Earth varies between 56 and 100 million kilometers. Let's say that at that time the two planets are quite close: 60,000,000 km.
The mass of Mars is 6.4191 × 10 23 kg, about a 6 followed by 23 zeros.
Vale, putting the data into the equation we need at the moment we are born, Mars brought us (and we we attracted to Mars) with a force of 3.57 × 10 -8 newtons.
That tells us nothing, but compare it with the strength with which we are attracted Mr. doctor who is two feet away from us and thus eye weighs about 75 kg.
The force between him and us is 6 × 10 -8 newtons, almost double !
And that we've taken a planet very close to us and almost minimum. Also we have not considered our mother and the nurses who swarm there. Even tilting the balance to one side, clearly think that the position of a planet we can influence is ridiculous if we think the position of the midwife is much more important.
Conclusion: a hoax.
PD. To see if anyone is encouraged to write a comment, the button is very big and it's right here below! Just
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Simi Garewal In Mera Naam Joker Bathing
My first day
started a new course I am reminded of my first day of class in college. The truth is that now it's funny, but it was a very pleasant memory (up to the party that night, of course).
I walked into my school for the first time. At that time I really realized it was a building about to collapse, ugly as himself and with endless corridors that would take you anywhere but where you wanted to go. The truth is that there is an air Hogwarts Castle, crappy version. But we have so secret doors and hallways in one direction only, better not ask.
When I got to get to my class came the first surprise: I expected one of those overcrowded classes out on the news with people sitting in the floor, but instead I had settled a huge class with about 30 people scattered. Apparently physics is not as successful as Teleco, what can we do ...
But the surprise of the day was coming: the first class began. Era 'General Physics'. Just look at the face of the teacher to know that the man was bitter with this subject and taught it as it was not surprising. Although not expected to be entered on the first day I was ready with a couple of pages. Objectively, the class was boring, but with the excitement of thinking that was the first class passed quickly.
Then came, like a wind chill (that dramatic) the second class, 'calculation'. That word still makes me shudder. Upon arrival, the teacher said his name and began to write on the board as if he had a chilli in the ass. I have to admit that I was not able to follow the explanation. I got lost in the second sentence. I copied phrases and expressions that do not even understand. Worst of all, the name of the first track I was vaguely familiar: "The numbers naturales'. Sí, esos que aprendimos con 3 años: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
Pues por lo visto nuestros padres nos lo enseñaron mal. No tenían que habernos dicho: "Veeeenga, uuuuno, dooooos, treeeees". Tenían que habernos dicho: "Sea un espacio euclídeo de dimensión unidad perteneciente al espacio real incluído el dominio de los complejos". Eso sí, pisando unas palabras con otras intentando batir un record de velocidad al hablar y usando símbolos que no había visto en mi vida.
En mi defensa tengo que decir que todos los 'novatos' salimos de clase comentando lo mismo. Era triste, pero no habíamos sabido seguir una mísera clase de matemáticas básicas.
Thankfully, those early days (actually I think it was months) of strain go fast and if you like what you do you end up enjoying it.
The reason I write this is simply because the new course, I remembered that when it was new evidence never stopped looking for people to see how they were the beginning and the truth is I did not find much there ...
I walked into my school for the first time. At that time I really realized it was a building about to collapse, ugly as himself and with endless corridors that would take you anywhere but where you wanted to go. The truth is that there is an air Hogwarts Castle, crappy version. But we have so secret doors and hallways in one direction only, better not ask.
When I got to get to my class came the first surprise: I expected one of those overcrowded classes out on the news with people sitting in the floor, but instead I had settled a huge class with about 30 people scattered. Apparently physics is not as successful as Teleco, what can we do ...
But the surprise of the day was coming: the first class began. Era 'General Physics'. Just look at the face of the teacher to know that the man was bitter with this subject and taught it as it was not surprising. Although not expected to be entered on the first day I was ready with a couple of pages. Objectively, the class was boring, but with the excitement of thinking that was the first class passed quickly.
Then came, like a wind chill (that dramatic) the second class, 'calculation'. That word still makes me shudder. Upon arrival, the teacher said his name and began to write on the board as if he had a chilli in the ass. I have to admit that I was not able to follow the explanation. I got lost in the second sentence. I copied phrases and expressions that do not even understand. Worst of all, the name of the first track I was vaguely familiar: "The numbers naturales'. Sí, esos que aprendimos con 3 años: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
Pues por lo visto nuestros padres nos lo enseñaron mal. No tenían que habernos dicho: "Veeeenga, uuuuno, dooooos, treeeees". Tenían que habernos dicho: "Sea un espacio euclídeo de dimensión unidad perteneciente al espacio real incluído el dominio de los complejos". Eso sí, pisando unas palabras con otras intentando batir un record de velocidad al hablar y usando símbolos que no había visto en mi vida.
En mi defensa tengo que decir que todos los 'novatos' salimos de clase comentando lo mismo. Era triste, pero no habíamos sabido seguir una mísera clase de matemáticas básicas.
Thankfully, those early days (actually I think it was months) of strain go fast and if you like what you do you end up enjoying it.
The reason I write this is simply because the new course, I remembered that when it was new evidence never stopped looking for people to see how they were the beginning and the truth is I did not find much there ...
Tuesday, April 4, 2006
A Sample For Thanking The Department
When the boss leaves ...
Well, I will dare to an issue that dominated much: Mine is physics and mathematics, biology and medicine are great to me, but ...
sure if you go out partying in there and you pass you a little with the alcohol you begin to notice that you need to go to the bathroom more often than usual. And if you follow the blog comes a time when you planteareis if you have a medical problem, and that visits to the washbasin are constant.
if they drink the same amount of water instead of alcohol we would not go anywhere near as often. What happens then?
Our kidneys are a great purification. All liquids we ingest pass through the kidneys and begin to be reabsorbed and again by the treatment plants until they extract all the nutrients needed by the body and only leak wastes (urine). But these machines are simply hard workers they need someone to tell them how to operate, so the brain sends an emissary to hormones.
Our body is a sea of \u200b\u200bhormones that control basically everything that happens within us. When these hormones are altered the thing is starting to spiral. Specifically
is a hormone called vasopressin , which is responsible for regulating the amount of fluid must reabsorb the kidneys.
One of the many effects of the alcohol (apart from those that we know ...) is the inhibition of the hormone vasopressin.
And of course, as a universal principle, if the boss is not employees do not work, the kidneys stop to reabsorb all the fluid and the bladder should be filled much faster than normal, making it urgently to rule of "Where's the bathroom? (Which of course is always at the bottom right, but with our capabilities and we clarify depleted).
But all this has implications well: of course by not absorb all the liquid should, our body is dehydrated . What it shows? It depends on people, but most of us mortals to invade the next morning a malaise and a headache that make us repent of the night before we dehydration hangover caused (there are other factors, but this is one of the most important).
So you know, when you drink it, not you to take the blame for your ills of alcohol, to the anger it would bring much of the vasopressin ...

Well, I will dare to an issue that dominated much: Mine is physics and mathematics, biology and medicine are great to me, but ...
sure if you go out partying in there and you pass you a little with the alcohol you begin to notice that you need to go to the bathroom more often than usual. And if you follow the blog comes a time when you planteareis if you have a medical problem, and that visits to the washbasin are constant.
if they drink the same amount of water instead of alcohol we would not go anywhere near as often. What happens then?
Our kidneys are a great purification. All liquids we ingest pass through the kidneys and begin to be reabsorbed and again by the treatment plants until they extract all the nutrients needed by the body and only leak wastes (urine). But these machines are simply hard workers they need someone to tell them how to operate, so the brain sends an emissary to hormones.
Our body is a sea of \u200b\u200bhormones that control basically everything that happens within us. When these hormones are altered the thing is starting to spiral. Specifically
is a hormone called vasopressin , which is responsible for regulating the amount of fluid must reabsorb the kidneys.
One of the many effects of the alcohol (apart from those that we know ...) is the inhibition of the hormone vasopressin.
And of course, as a universal principle, if the boss is not employees do not work, the kidneys stop to reabsorb all the fluid and the bladder should be filled much faster than normal, making it urgently to rule of "Where's the bathroom? (Which of course is always at the bottom right, but with our capabilities and we clarify depleted).

So you know, when you drink it, not you to take the blame for your ills of alcohol, to the anger it would bring much of the vasopressin ...
Monday, April 3, 2006
Messenger Purse Indie
With u. .. "Fusion"?
We will continue with the series of nuclear power that started the last day . After
understand what nuclear fission in the previous chapter we now with an even more entertaining and exciting: the nuclear fusion.
Despite having a name so similar, fission and fusion are actually antonyms.
We discussed that fission is roughly into "atoms break." Well, the merger is "paste atoms."
is taking two small atoms and merge them into one heavier. Upon this reaction, releasing large amounts of energy. Surely you have heard many say that even we do not use energy from nuclear fusion. Well, actually this is completely false . Let no one take your hands to the head, it is true that still is being tested in large reactors (eg ITER ) the feasibility of this energy source. Yet we use more energy from fusion reactions than any other type. Our self-centeredness leads us to believe that only use the energy that we release, but what about the sun? The Sun
fusion reactions occur continuously, hence comes all the energy we receive from our star. How are these reactions?
Let's start by seeing how an atom.
We saw that an atom has electrons in the crust and protons and neutrons in the nucleus. As protons and electrons have the same charge but opposite sign (positive protons and negative electrons), so that the burden of an atom is neutral there must be the same number of both. The number of protons or electrons is called the atomic number ( Z) and determines which element we have. So if we see that an atom has one proton and one electron, ie, if Z = 1, we are faced with a hydrogen atom. If Z = 8 is oxygen, if Z = 92 have uranium, which we raised in the previous article, etc.
As we have seen is the number of protons (qe is equal to the electron if the atom has no net charge) determines which type of atom we have.
What if we add neutrons? We do not all you want, but in principle we can. Such as protons those who say what is atom by adding neutrons the atom will remain the same, but it will be a " isotope " different.
For example, the hydrogen in a lifetime, which is usually water along with oxygen, has one proton, an electron and no neutrons. But there is more isotopes of hydrogen: we can stick a neutron and then call deuterium (H 2) or two neutrons and tritium will then be ( 3 H). The water formed with hydrogen, one of these two isotopes is called heavy water , certainly more than one sounds.
Now that we are experts in nuclear physics we can see what happens in the sun a star
Inside there are huge amounts of hydrogen, both of which we call normal, as the other two. Then when they
conditions too extreme pressure and temperature, the following reaction occurs:
We will continue with the series of nuclear power that started the last day . After
understand what nuclear fission in the previous chapter we now with an even more entertaining and exciting: the nuclear fusion.
Despite having a name so similar, fission and fusion are actually antonyms.
We discussed that fission is roughly into "atoms break." Well, the merger is "paste atoms."
is taking two small atoms and merge them into one heavier. Upon this reaction, releasing large amounts of energy. Surely you have heard many say that even we do not use energy from nuclear fusion. Well, actually this is completely false . Let no one take your hands to the head, it is true that still is being tested in large reactors (eg ITER ) the feasibility of this energy source. Yet we use more energy from fusion reactions than any other type. Our self-centeredness leads us to believe that only use the energy that we release, but what about the sun? The Sun
fusion reactions occur continuously, hence comes all the energy we receive from our star. How are these reactions?
Let's start by seeing how an atom.
We saw that an atom has electrons in the crust and protons and neutrons in the nucleus. As protons and electrons have the same charge but opposite sign (positive protons and negative electrons), so that the burden of an atom is neutral there must be the same number of both. The number of protons or electrons is called the atomic number ( Z) and determines which element we have. So if we see that an atom has one proton and one electron, ie, if Z = 1, we are faced with a hydrogen atom. If Z = 8 is oxygen, if Z = 92 have uranium, which we raised in the previous article, etc.
As we have seen is the number of protons (qe is equal to the electron if the atom has no net charge) determines which type of atom we have.
What if we add neutrons? We do not all you want, but in principle we can. Such as protons those who say what is atom by adding neutrons the atom will remain the same, but it will be a " isotope " different.
For example, the hydrogen in a lifetime, which is usually water along with oxygen, has one proton, an electron and no neutrons. But there is more isotopes of hydrogen: we can stick a neutron and then call deuterium (H 2) or two neutrons and tritium will then be ( 3 H). The water formed with hydrogen, one of these two isotopes is called heavy water , certainly more than one sounds.
Now that we are experts in nuclear physics we can see what happens in the sun a star
Inside there are huge amounts of hydrogen, both of which we call normal, as the other two. Then when they
conditions too extreme pressure and temperature, the following reaction occurs:
2 3 H + H -> 4 He + n + 17.6 MeV
" Send "? This means that an atom of deuterium is fused with another of tritium and then transforms into an atom of helium (which is the name of atom with two protons and an unbeatable element when we make our voice sounds a whistle). It also appears that a neutron "spare" and about 18 MeV of energy.
Finally! That's the energy that we toast when we go to the beach and basically without it life on Earth would be impossible.
usually underestimate the energy from the sun, but if you take all the energy that comes in a day and concentrate our at a single point of Earth, would be released so much energy that the Earth would break literally two , and that with the energy of a single day ...
But why on Earth we are unable to fuse atoms as if they were clay pellets? Precisely because of the extreme conditions we were talking about: you can not put two atoms of hydrogen in a darkened room and a slow song and expect them to merge, that only works with people;)
There are different techniques to achieve in the laboratory and many of them are very promising, but today we can not guarantee anything.
But supposing, which is functioning, and hopefully not too distant, we found an energy source that meets the two conditions we talked about:
stupidity There is a raw material (in the sea there is plenty of water and water is much hydrogen, and it is extremely difficult to find deuterium) and will not produce hazardous waste and possible accidents in reactors would not be catastrophic for the environment: it is a clean energy source .
the other hand is a source that releases a lot of energy. At first glance the 18 Mev for reaction are quite short compared with 200 of the fission reactions, but we must bear in mind that the hydrogen atoms are much smaller than those of uranium, and they are much more abundant, we a source that releases large amounts of energy .
Now we only have to pray, digooo, experience, and we will have solved one of the major problems of XXI century humanity ...
Finally! That's the energy that we toast when we go to the beach and basically without it life on Earth would be impossible.

usually underestimate the energy from the sun, but if you take all the energy that comes in a day and concentrate our at a single point of Earth, would be released so much energy that the Earth would break literally two , and that with the energy of a single day ...
But why on Earth we are unable to fuse atoms as if they were clay pellets? Precisely because of the extreme conditions we were talking about: you can not put two atoms of hydrogen in a darkened room and a slow song and expect them to merge, that only works with people;)
There are different techniques to achieve in the laboratory and many of them are very promising, but today we can not guarantee anything.
But supposing, which is functioning, and hopefully not too distant, we found an energy source that meets the two conditions we talked about:
stupidity There is a raw material (in the sea there is plenty of water and water is much hydrogen, and it is extremely difficult to find deuterium) and will not produce hazardous waste and possible accidents in reactors would not be catastrophic for the environment: it is a clean energy source .
the other hand is a source that releases a lot of energy. At first glance the 18 Mev for reaction are quite short compared with 200 of the fission reactions, but we must bear in mind that the hydrogen atoms are much smaller than those of uranium, and they are much more abundant, we a source that releases large amounts of energy .
Now we only have to pray, digooo, experience, and we will have solved one of the major problems of XXI century humanity ...
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Why Does Heart Rate Increased With Infection
With i. .. Fission!
Since the industrial revolution in energy consumption of the company has been exponential. Today we see life is inconceivable without it, but how to meet the growing demand? This question is one of the larger fields of action with physicists from around the world today (yes, physicists are still useful to society, fortunately for those of us rolling stone now in the race.)
can say that there are 2 requirements when new sources of energy. On the one hand, the growing needs unfailingly make it necessary to find sources that can provide large amounts of energy at a reasonable price.
Moreover, every day becomes stronger the need to secure energy sources clean (we had better).
Come to the point. We've all heard of the fission and nuclear fusion (if you are wanting to complicate our lives with such similar term ...), but what is each?
Today we'll talk a bit about nuclear fission :
An atom consists of a dense nucleus (protons and neutrons) and a bunch of really tiny pellets that are dancing around (electrons). If we take another particle (usually a neutron) and fired at the atom's nucleus then, with a little luck we can destabilize the core, causing it to split in two. It's like if you throw with great force against a a marble pyramid marbles.
The trick is that to split the nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy we can harness and other neutrons, which will shoot in all directions, colliding with other nuclei, which also will break and fall off more energy and neutrons that will break atoms, we have created a chain reaction , and so we have much more energy than they have "used" to launch the first neutron.
But it serves any atom to obtain energy by fission. The larger a nucleus, the less stable and more energy released when they break. So go running to the periodic table to find the element occurring naturally (no need to create it artificially) that has the core fatter and we ran ... the Uranium . Uranium is ideal for nuclear fission and the possibility of fissions was discovered in 1939 (while in Spain decided to stop shooting us at the head stones ...).
When a nucleus fissions occur around 200 MeV (megaelectrón-Volt: A unit of energy as joules or calories ...). Vale, 200, a very beautiful, and?
Well, the energy released in a normal combustion is about 4 eV (not mega) for every molecule of oxygen!
mega The prefix indicates a million, so fission releases 50 million times more energy than the combustion !
But as always, the whole mountain is oregano, and there is a but. And that but are the products of the reaction: the chemical elements are created, unfortunately, are not stable and decay, are radioactive . And living tissues do not tend to like too much radiation they produce. Therefore, it is enclosed in special containers and stored in radioactive dumps. But of course, clean life of these elements is sooo long and we can not avoid no longer radioactive.
In summary, we have an extraordinary source of energy, but that does not meet the second requirement mentioned at the beginning, is contaminant.
In the next article we will understand a little better what the merger (with U). I remind you that if you want to comment on something you can do it, nay, you must do! ;)
Since the industrial revolution in energy consumption of the company has been exponential. Today we see life is inconceivable without it, but how to meet the growing demand? This question is one of the larger fields of action with physicists from around the world today (yes, physicists are still useful to society, fortunately for those of us rolling stone now in the race.)
can say that there are 2 requirements when new sources of energy. On the one hand, the growing needs unfailingly make it necessary to find sources that can provide large amounts of energy at a reasonable price.
Moreover, every day becomes stronger the need to secure energy sources clean (we had better).
Come to the point. We've all heard of the fission and nuclear fusion (if you are wanting to complicate our lives with such similar term ...), but what is each?
Today we'll talk a bit about nuclear fission :
An atom consists of a dense nucleus (protons and neutrons) and a bunch of really tiny pellets that are dancing around (electrons). If we take another particle (usually a neutron) and fired at the atom's nucleus then, with a little luck we can destabilize the core, causing it to split in two. It's like if you throw with great force against a a marble pyramid marbles.
The trick is that to split the nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy we can harness and other neutrons, which will shoot in all directions, colliding with other nuclei, which also will break and fall off more energy and neutrons that will break atoms, we have created a chain reaction , and so we have much more energy than they have "used" to launch the first neutron.
But it serves any atom to obtain energy by fission. The larger a nucleus, the less stable and more energy released when they break. So go running to the periodic table to find the element occurring naturally (no need to create it artificially) that has the core fatter and we ran ... the Uranium . Uranium is ideal for nuclear fission and the possibility of fissions was discovered in 1939 (while in Spain decided to stop shooting us at the head stones ...).
When a nucleus fissions occur around 200 MeV (megaelectrón-Volt: A unit of energy as joules or calories ...). Vale, 200, a very beautiful, and?
Well, the energy released in a normal combustion is about 4 eV (not mega) for every molecule of oxygen!
mega The prefix indicates a million, so fission releases 50 million times more energy than the combustion !
But as always, the whole mountain is oregano, and there is a but. And that but are the products of the reaction: the chemical elements are created, unfortunately, are not stable and decay, are radioactive . And living tissues do not tend to like too much radiation they produce. Therefore, it is enclosed in special containers and stored in radioactive dumps. But of course, clean life of these elements is sooo long and we can not avoid no longer radioactive.

In the next article we will understand a little better what the merger (with U). I remind you that if you want to comment on something you can do it, nay, you must do! ;)
Saturday, March 25, 2006
White Spot Between Jaw
The scientific method: the great unknown?
Today we will discuss the scientific method. For very scientific sounding (It is), it is not only a formal generalization of the intuitive way in which all reasoning. Let me explain:
Let's give a ball to a young child who has never seen anything like it. What will the child?
First, approach the ball, look and begin to play. You will likely fall to the ground or throw. Then you will realize that the ball bounces. The child will see this as a good way to have fun and break all the windows that caught on their way, so start thinking in the functioning of the magic ball. Immediately see that the stronger the boat, the higher will come later, depending on the angle at which the pull, the ball will go in one direction or another. So the child believes he has found a series of guidelines that seems to follow the ball in almost any situation. Our researcher will then start small check if your idea of \u200b\u200bhow the ball is correct, changing some conditions: try it bounce against a sloping surface, the pull against the walls and of course against his innocent brother (you know, research is sacrificed). After a number of tests will realize if your idea is correct , ie if the ball will go where he thinks it will go. It is at this point that the child will catch the ball with ease, since he alone has developed a theory on the operation of the ball. Is able to predict quite accurately the trajectory of the ball before throwing.
child probably does not think much of all this, but every step made subconsciously, it is rational and that is the logical form of action. The child will never believe blindly for himself that the ball will fly, and why not throw a bridge (if you appreciate it) before making sure that you will not waste your precious toy.
Well, this kid just tell all of us a key to the scientific development of mankind. The little guy, without knowing, we just explain each of the parts of the scientific method:
1. Comment : These directions apply to a phenomenon to have a first contact (the child looks at the ball, touches it and probably sucks, try to apply all their senses to learn more about the ball. Then see what happens to throw).
2. Induction : This step is, from observation, draw a sort of general principle about the phenomenon (the small begins to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe functioning of the ball.)
3. Hypothesis: An idea, so far without solid foundations, the experimenter takes on the behavior of the phenomenon. Itself is not strong, it is not something that has been proven (in our case would be the guidelines that the child believes that follows the ball to bounce).
4. Experimentation : This is the most important of the method. Try to test the validity of the hypothesis (the child is changing the terms on the ball bouncing to determine whether they conform to what he thinks will do.)
5. Demonstration or Refutation : After a large number of experiments, changing the conditions, if the hypothesis is tested meets the actual behavior of the phenomenon or whether it behaves differently. In this case we must go back to the first point and begin again the process to modify the hypothesis (the child checks to his satisfaction that his hypothesis was correct).
6. Conclusions : Thinking about the whole process creates a theory. So we see that a theory is something that I DO have a solid foundation , contrary to the hypothesis.
Thus a child without initial idea has been achieved, through the scientific method, become a master of the ball!
The scientific method is no infallible tool. There has been, is and always will be radical changes in the foundation of all sciences, but undoubtedly the best method we have for understanding the world around us.
So you know, dear readers, when you enfrentéis to a new situation, let out the inner child and let him solve the problem for you;)
Today we will discuss the scientific method. For very scientific sounding (It is), it is not only a formal generalization of the intuitive way in which all reasoning. Let me explain:
Let's give a ball to a young child who has never seen anything like it. What will the child?

First, approach the ball, look and begin to play. You will likely fall to the ground or throw. Then you will realize that the ball bounces. The child will see this as a good way to have fun and break all the windows that caught on their way, so start thinking in the functioning of the magic ball. Immediately see that the stronger the boat, the higher will come later, depending on the angle at which the pull, the ball will go in one direction or another. So the child believes he has found a series of guidelines that seems to follow the ball in almost any situation. Our researcher will then start small check if your idea of \u200b\u200bhow the ball is correct, changing some conditions: try it bounce against a sloping surface, the pull against the walls and of course against his innocent brother (you know, research is sacrificed). After a number of tests will realize if your idea is correct , ie if the ball will go where he thinks it will go. It is at this point that the child will catch the ball with ease, since he alone has developed a theory on the operation of the ball. Is able to predict quite accurately the trajectory of the ball before throwing.
child probably does not think much of all this, but every step made subconsciously, it is rational and that is the logical form of action. The child will never believe blindly for himself that the ball will fly, and why not throw a bridge (if you appreciate it) before making sure that you will not waste your precious toy.
Well, this kid just tell all of us a key to the scientific development of mankind. The little guy, without knowing, we just explain each of the parts of the scientific method:
1. Comment : These directions apply to a phenomenon to have a first contact (the child looks at the ball, touches it and probably sucks, try to apply all their senses to learn more about the ball. Then see what happens to throw).
2. Induction : This step is, from observation, draw a sort of general principle about the phenomenon (the small begins to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe functioning of the ball.)
3. Hypothesis: An idea, so far without solid foundations, the experimenter takes on the behavior of the phenomenon. Itself is not strong, it is not something that has been proven (in our case would be the guidelines that the child believes that follows the ball to bounce).
4. Experimentation : This is the most important of the method. Try to test the validity of the hypothesis (the child is changing the terms on the ball bouncing to determine whether they conform to what he thinks will do.)
5. Demonstration or Refutation : After a large number of experiments, changing the conditions, if the hypothesis is tested meets the actual behavior of the phenomenon or whether it behaves differently. In this case we must go back to the first point and begin again the process to modify the hypothesis (the child checks to his satisfaction that his hypothesis was correct).
6. Conclusions : Thinking about the whole process creates a theory. So we see that a theory is something that I DO have a solid foundation , contrary to the hypothesis.
Thus a child without initial idea has been achieved, through the scientific method, become a master of the ball!
The scientific method is no infallible tool. There has been, is and always will be radical changes in the foundation of all sciences, but undoubtedly the best method we have for understanding the world around us.
So you know, dear readers, when you enfrentéis to a new situation, let out the inner child and let him solve the problem for you;)
Friday, March 24, 2006
Pressure Points In Neck To Fall Asleep
"In this let him who is a skeptic ..."
touch of skepticism. One of the many things beyond my understanding in this world is the reason for the scorn to skepticism, and I could not resist to write about it. Today
First things first (not so early as the previous article
...): What is skepticism?
For simplifying a little, be skeptical doubt means everything. No doubt means not believe anything, or attempt to ridicule any ideas, but rather the contrary. A skeptic tries to parse any rational claim. For example, if you say to a skeptic who is the Sun that warms us, he would not accept it blindly or you discard a priori, but they will reason as follows:
"Well, when it's daytime temperature is higher that after dark. For the day is the Sun that we see in the sky, but at night only the moon and stars. The moon only reflects light from the sun and the stars are suns, but found at a distance too great to feel the heat given off by radiation. So it seems like a reasonable explanation is the Sun that warms us "
As you see, has argued in a simple to conclude that the statement is probably true.
Now if we say that really are little green goblins called Groôbs those who light their small pots to make mysterious magic potions when comes the day to worship the sun god, the great skeptic apply the golden rule of skepticism:
" Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence "
And if we do not give any proof of the existence of our friends Groôbs the skeptic apply the so-called Occam's Razor "
" being equal the simplest solution tends to be the true "
This statement is far from a physical law or mathematics, but is nonetheless extremely useful and effective in the world of science. And now that
we know what it is and how you think a skeptic, the question is: why is it so frowned skepticism in many "disciplines ?
Then there's the trick, discuss what discipline is frowned upon. If you go to forums astrology, palmistry, mysteries, etc, etc. you will see that it's very odd that any comment on the possibility of the existence of alternative hypotheses, there is a kind of bombardment scheduled on that reader, derogatorily called "skeptic" and cast as have a chance.
My personal theory about this is that when we believe in something and give us grounds for removing the belief, it hurts us and we tend to reject it.
Carl Sagan, a staunch advocate of skepticism, once said:

"In science it often happens that scientists say," You know what? That's a good argument, I was wrong "and then actually change their minds and were not again heard from his former position. I really do. Not so much as they should, because scientists are human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day. I can not remember when was the last time something similar happened in politics or religion "
So, hearing aid (aid is more than a foundation of science) of skepticism in advancing all around us, disqualify the skepticism is the equivalent of going to a doctor with a broken leg and call "medical " as he spits in the face and then tell you the cure .
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Direct Tv Dvd Recorder
The Big Bang, the dielectric and pigeon poop
"Where better than at the beginning to enter the field?
So, we opened the first article on science by the principle of principles, the Big Bang or Big Bang. Another day talk about the origin of the term "Big Bang "
all began about 14 billion years, there is nothing. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. At that time all matter and energy in the universe were concentrated at a single point, smaller than imaginable and a higher density of embracing (it was what is called a singularity ). That tiny dot that exploded and created particular time is both time and space, therefore the question of what had before the Big Bang? meaningless, because the concept is linked before the time, did not exist. From that time began to appear all particles and the long and tortuous process of expansion.
But how do we know that This is just a nice fairy tale?
sure all of you have ever thrown a firecracker. Kindle the wick and you turn away from a safe distance. When the firecracker explodes, the chemical energy contained the powder is converted into other types of energy: the kinetic energy of cardboard flying out, the sound energy that makes the neighbor's fourth place to scream, the flash light energy, etc.
The farther you are, you will notice the effects weaker as the energy is dissipated. But the stronger the explosion later we receive. Then consider a
huge explosion, huge, like the one that caused the Big Bang. So it seems logical to assume that the energy of the explosion would take much, but that long to dissipate.
And here begins the story:
Back in 1964, in New Jersey, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, two young physicists working for Bell Labs, were studying a new type of antenna that had been built. When connected the antenna began receiving a very weak signal that curiously seemed to come from all directions. No matter that point to any side or it was day or night, the sign was still there.
was more logical to think that was wrong something to the antenna for the sky was emitting signals in all directions, so I climbed onto the roof to check the antenna. There they found what they defined as "white dielectric substance" (a dielectric material is one that leads electricity poorly.) This language did not mean as far-fetched one thing: a dove had screwed in the antenna (with apologies).
So when they thought they had found the problem and fixed it, were so happy to turn your antenna, but again the mysterious noise was still there.
Reviewing some old theories, they saw that the characteristics of the radio signal they were receiving, coincided exactly the signal should have dissipated from the Big Bang.
The two young physicists received the Nobel, yes, 14 years later.
Anecdotally, we have that when astrophysicists were to examine the sign said they had found something like
"We're seeing the birth of the universe, or a pile of pigeon shit"
"Where better than at the beginning to enter the field?
So, we opened the first article on science by the principle of principles, the Big Bang or Big Bang. Another day talk about the origin of the term "Big Bang "
all began about 14 billion years, there is nothing. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. At that time all matter and energy in the universe were concentrated at a single point, smaller than imaginable and a higher density of embracing (it was what is called a singularity ). That tiny dot that exploded and created particular time is both time and space, therefore the question of what had before the Big Bang? meaningless, because the concept is linked before the time, did not exist. From that time began to appear all particles and the long and tortuous process of expansion.

But how do we know that This is just a nice fairy tale?
sure all of you have ever thrown a firecracker. Kindle the wick and you turn away from a safe distance. When the firecracker explodes, the chemical energy contained the powder is converted into other types of energy: the kinetic energy of cardboard flying out, the sound energy that makes the neighbor's fourth place to scream, the flash light energy, etc.
The farther you are, you will notice the effects weaker as the energy is dissipated. But the stronger the explosion later we receive. Then consider a
huge explosion, huge, like the one that caused the Big Bang. So it seems logical to assume that the energy of the explosion would take much, but that long to dissipate.
And here begins the story:
Back in 1964, in New Jersey, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, two young physicists working for Bell Labs, were studying a new type of antenna that had been built. When connected the antenna began receiving a very weak signal that curiously seemed to come from all directions. No matter that point to any side or it was day or night, the sign was still there.
was more logical to think that was wrong something to the antenna for the sky was emitting signals in all directions, so I climbed onto the roof to check the antenna. There they found what they defined as "white dielectric substance" (a dielectric material is one that leads electricity poorly.) This language did not mean as far-fetched one thing: a dove had screwed in the antenna (with apologies).
So when they thought they had found the problem and fixed it, were so happy to turn your antenna, but again the mysterious noise was still there.
Reviewing some old theories, they saw that the characteristics of the radio signal they were receiving, coincided exactly the signal should have dissipated from the Big Bang.
The two young physicists received the Nobel, yes, 14 years later.
Anecdotally, we have that when astrophysicists were to examine the sign said they had found something like
"We're seeing the birth of the universe, or a pile of pigeon shit"
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Left Upper Quadrant Pain In Morning
Science was inaugurated thoroughly. Welcome @ s.
This blog is intended to be a site of scientific, from a fun standpoint, curious and fun.
How does a plasma ball? What are the perpetual motion? What is skepticism? What were they really the greatest scientists? What is "smart" design? How was it discovered penicillin? What lies beyond our solar system? Is there any basis horoscopes?

are some of the many questions we will try to respond.
Finally, do not hesitate to suggest, criticize or propose any topic to talk about it as we humbly.
regards, and very soon!
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