- "Stéphane Hessel, with 93 years, has become the social conscience of France in a book of 30 pages." Indignaos "has become a top sales. The author posts this allegation of mobilization for youth, urging them to abandon the indifference in these troubled times. "
-" Stéphane Hessel has waived its copyright , at least in principle. When sales exceeded 300,000 copies suggested to editors to give their part to Russell Tribunal, which sponsors since its inception. of 3 euros paid for the purchase of Indignez-vous! , 55% goes to the distributor, which in turn pays the librarians, 45% is divided between the publisher, VAT returns and costs of production costs. "
I am outraged that in France cost 3 euros and translation into Castilian in Spain cost 5 euros, so I decided to read for free online :
INDIGNEZ-VOUS! (pdf) Source
Journalists-es.org / / www.indignaos.com/ / / www.migueljara.com/ / / ; www.millebabords.org/
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