conical Experience Journal of class: 2 º E and F
Hello everyone I am Ignacio de 2 º F . Today has been a professor of Chile ... WELCOME! Upon entering class has collected the recovery exercises
(the "conditional approval" of the 2 nd assessment) and had shared solutions (which have to recover the 2nd Evaluation) . After we corrected the duties or
mand for
S S anta emanates. We have also studied
cone. also told us that a few quirks of his trip and sent us to complete homework exercises 1 and 2 on page 195 and 17 b) on page 201.
Hi I'm Victor 2 º E!
Today in class we corrected homework sent us for Easter. We also explained as finding the total area of \u200b\u200ba cone. And sent us home the p to Page 195 Exercises 1, 2 and also page 201 for the year has sent us 17 b.
Written by Professor:
remember all you have to do the Review Recovery 2nd Evaluation on May 4 that I have at your disposal in the Mathematics Department to consult and answer questions in recreation, from tomorrow until the day before the test. Do not waste this opportunity.
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