Thursday, June 7, 2007

Woman Dancing On Beach In A Red Dress Painting

Culture and Media I

Culture and Media I
year 4

Unit I: Communication and Culture.

Man and the founding concept of communication. The man, society, communication and culture.
Culture: historical evolution of the concept. Definitions. Culture as a lifestyle. Culture as a system of relations.
Nature and society: the biological and cultural.
The anthropological approach. The Cultural Evolution, Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism. Historical materialism.

Unit II: Globalization and culture.

The relationship between cultures. Multiculturalism, transculturation and cultural identity. Culture
own, appropriate, alienated or imposed. The order established and the instituting order. Urban and popular cultures.
cultural myths. Myth and reality. Myth and Media: production and reproduction of myths.
Globalization: the new cultural setting. Identity and consumption.
cultural hybridization. Urban culture. Youth culture. Urban Tribes.

Unit III: Culture and Myth in the Media.

The techno: the role of information technology and communication in culture. Culture and society: networks of symbolic production.
media as cultural objects: their roles in urban and popular cultures. The media and organizers of everyday life. The
media as instruments of manipulation and social control. The media as producers and reproducers of culture. The power and mass media.

Basic Bibliography.

-Gatti, Maria Isabel. Culture and Communication. Editorial Stella. Buenos Aires. 2000.
-García Canclini, Néstor. Hybrid cultures. Grupo Grijalbo. Mexico. 1980.
-Geertz, Clifford. The Interpretation of Cultures. Gedisa. Mexico. 1987.
-Ford, Hannibal. Notebooks communication and culture. University Publishing. 1992/1993).
-Barbero, Jesus. From media to mediations. Mexico. 1987.
-Landi, Oscar. Quevedo and Vacchieri. Public and cultural consumption. Buenos Aires. 1991. TV Programs
-radio programs, newspapers and periodicals.


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